
Articles of Life 8

I rewrote the statements of faith which I memorized as a child so that they now reflect my beliefs as a 30-year-old adult. Each statement had a song to help with memorization, and I have written my statements to match the music of those original songs.

Here is my Article of Life 8:

I believe that scripture is translated with bias, and that's just how everything's written. It doesn't mean it's wrong; it doesn't mean it's right. It means it's not the word of God.

Here is the original song and wording from the LDS church materials (starts at 15:37):


Articles of Life 7

I rewrote the statements of faith which I memorized as a child so that they now reflect my beliefs as a 30-year-old adult. Each statement had a song to help with memorization, and I have written my statements to match the music of those original songs.

Here is my Article of Life 7:

I believe in the gift of love, witnessing with compassion, holding space, open-minded list'ning, consent, and so forth.

Here is the original song and wording from the LDS church materials (starts at 13:55):


Articles of Life 6

I rewrote the statements of faith which I memorized as a child so that they now reflect my beliefs as a 30-year-old adult. Each statement had a song to help with memorization, and I have written my statements to match the music of those original songs.

Here is my Article of Life 6:

I believe in the same organization that existed before patriarchy: namely, equal'ty, equity, partnership, and fairness. Egalitarianism!

Here is the original song and wording from the LDS church materials (starts at 11:52):


Articles of Life 5

I rewrote the statements of faith which I memorized as a child so that they now reflect my beliefs as a 30-year-old adult. Each statement had a song to help with memorization, and I have written my statements to match the music of those original songs.

Here is my Article of Life 5:

I believe that each person is called in life to find their gifts and then to share them with the world. Without this, we may find that our souls feel numb and that we need an outlet for our joy. I believe in life before death.

Here is the original song and wording from the LDS church materials (starts at 9:30):


Articles of Life 4

I rewrote the statements of faith which I memorized as a child so that they now reflect my beliefs as a 30-year-old adult. Each statement had a song to help with memorization, and I have written my statements to match the music of those original songs.

Here is my Article of Life 4:

I believe that the first principles of dying well, without regret, are: first, time spent with people you love. Second, lived values. Third, a job or project worth your time which enhances your skills. Fourth, caring for your body with without going overboard.

Here is the original song and wording from the LDS church materials (starts at 6:28):


Articles of Life 3

I rewrote the statements of faith which I memorized as a child so that they now reflect my beliefs as a 30-year-old adult. Each statement had a song to help with memorization, and I have written my statements to match the music of those original songs.

Here is my Article of Life 3:

I believe that through my compassion for myself I can live a happy life by accepting how I feel and holding space for ev'ry emotion.

Here is the original song and wording from the LDS church materials (starts at 4:07):


Articles of Life 2

I rewrote the statements of faith which I memorized as a child so that they now reflect my beliefs as a 30-year-old adult. Each statement had a song to help with memorization, and I have written my statements to match the music of those original songs.

Here is my Article of Life 2:

I believe that sin is a construct used to shame me: I trust my pers'nal integrity.

Here is the original song and wording from the LDS church materials (starts at 2:07):


Articles of Life 1

I rewrote the statements of faith which I memorized as a child so that they now reflect my beliefs as a 30-year-old adult. Each statement had a song to help with memorization, and I have written my statements to match the music of those original songs.

Here is my Article of Life 1:

I believe in god as my inner knowing, and that it's in each of us, and in the universe.

Here is the original song and wording from the LDS church materials (0:14):