
Quote for 8 October 2015

"Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something."

- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

For me:

:: I'm afraid of misunderstanding. The older I get, the more I realize that I understand very little about life and people and the universe. I take a small comfort from knowing that everyone else in the world is in the same boat of misunderstanding with me, but I still want to know everything and understand everyone and do so without error. 

:: I love learning. Do I even need to explain this concept in this particular bloggy forum anymore? No? Okay.

:: I have lost a bit of my drive. I spend all my days inside a high school lately, and it calls to mind my own high school days. I was busier in high school than I have ever been since. Why?? Because in high school, I had lofty college goals, but in college I never ended up setting lofty life goals. I think I need to set some, or I might live a very "vanilla" life (as Jenna would say) forevermore.

For my students: 

I need to remember that this is not a true quote for adults only. I also need to remember that everything I assume might be true for my students (they fear bad grades! they love my class!) might be further from the truth than I could ever imagine. I need to allow my students to have and process their own fears, loves, and losses, whether or not I approve. For now, I need to be a safe outlet for these things.

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