
2013 Summer Goals

Well, folks, you'll be happy to know that I survived finals. 
I've been so busy for the last 7 weeks that I thought I would for sure come out on the other side of spring term with millions of things to blog about and so much to say and so many pictures to post.
That is apparently not the case since finals were actually finished on Thursday...
And I've had a pretty serious case of the lazies since then. 
(It happens during the first official days of every summer. I've learned to embrace it.)

But I do have a few summer goals/projects that I want to share on here for accountability purposes. As of tomorrow, my real summer starts, and I have a whole boatload of stuff to do. WAHOO.

:: Start a habit of pre-blogging. That is, write my posts in advance, when I feel like writing, rather than at 11:30 PM on the day I wanted for the date stamp. I feel like there's a "scheduled post" option for a reason, so I'm hoping I can make this work for me. Then again, I may just learn that my style of blogging doesn't pre-blog! But at least I'll have tried it out.

:: Deep clean and re-organize everything. Mostly my room at my parents' house since I'd like to move out or get married or both within the next year, and now is when I'll have the most free time (this as opposed to in the middle of winter semester when I get engaged or something). (And don't anyone go getting all excited because I said "engaged;" we are speaking hypothetically here, and I'm being prepared just in case.)

:: Take a few volunteer opportunities. I'm not really sure what these might include other than NSO again right before school starts and my normal church-y activities, but maybe something will fall into my lap? I dunno. Really this is a goal to do NSO. I can admit that.

:: Write real letters to my missionary friends. The rule is: Each friend gets at least one letter this summer. The friends include (but are not limited to): Madi, Amanda, Chelle, Brett, and Kelsie. And probably some others which I have missed in this top-of-my-head list.

:: Worky worky work. My new schedule is rockin. That is all.

:: Finish that ding-danged quilt I started one time. And do other creative and cute things.

:: READ. So far my list includes only like 3 Charles Dickens and this book which I recently got from the library. There will be more to it than these when I get a little further into summer. Maybe I'll re-read all of the Harry Potter series! (I say that every year.)

So yeah, there's my summer. One of my goals for the past year or two has been to be better about making and keeping goals, and I think I have learned that there are two time frames--weekly and seasonal--which work well for me and the way I think about things. If I have a short-term goal, I give myself a week and it works out. If it's long-term, usually a season is a good fit. And both of these are demarcated so nicely that I can say either "yes I did that" or "no I'll have to try it again" at the end! 

Also, I think there's a good chance that I'll be posting something about changes over the last couple years in the near future. Two years is also a very definite time with which to measure progress...

I guess it's a gypsy proverb? Are gypsies organized enough to have proverbs? Was that a judgmental question? Anyways, YOLO or something.

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