
A day in the life

I'd like to record what a normal day is like for me right now, during this student teaching semester.

7:10 AM: Up and at 'em. Brush teeth, shower, put on mascara and clothes, brush hair, drink a glass of milk, make a sandwich, out the door. 

7:45 AM: Pick up my student teaching partner and off we go to the magnificent school which has given me the day off today just so I can write this blog post. #ALApride

8:15-8:30: Prep for first period, which basically involves writing a bell quiz on the board and then timing my lesson plan minute by minute because I'm a little crazy.

8:45: First period starts. I teach. It's Math 1050, concurrent enrollment, and the students really are stellar. I usually make at least one awkward joke sometime during this class. It's tradition.

10:55: Second period starts. Becky teaches. I observe.

11:15: Third period. I either watch Becky teach (we go to the library because the class only has 5 students. yes, it's a little weird.) or I teach. If I teach, it's to a bunch of Math 1010 ruffians whom I still love even if they never ever ever ever show up to class. They're all seniors and quite honestly, I get it. I'm a senior, too. Just an older one.

12:20: Lunch! Avoid the faculty room at all costs, for it will smell of a conglomeration of leftovers for the next 30 minutes.

All of the remaining time until school gets out at 3:15: Prep time, paper-writing time, snacking time, board-writing practice time, etc. (There are two class periods during this time, but our cooperating teacher doesn't teach either one, so neither do we.)

4:00: Back at home, which means time for productivity or lounging or both. I consider reading library books or washing dishes productive, and I consider Facebook to be lounging, but both usually happen. I'm fine with that. Oh! And lots of podcast listening in the afternoons until...

6:00 or 7:00: Joseph gets home! And we eat dinner. And we watch an episode of The Office. And we just be together in the same room, doing whatever we want to or need to before the day ends.

8:30: Joseph goes to bed. Well, first we read some scriptures and say some prayers, and then he goes to bed. I make sure to kiss him on the ear because it tickles and he makes an adorable face.

All of the remaining time until I go to bed at 10:00 or 11:00: Prep for first period if I didn't finish earlier, wash dinner dishes, read blogs, write blogs, journal, scripture study, wash face, brush teeth. Bed.

I know, I know. I'm terribly exciting. But that's, like, the exact point of a day-in-the-life record, right?? This is the norm, not the exciting stuff. It's the mere framework of a day into which I carve whatever exciting things I come across. So yeah, there you go. I'm cool with it. 

Life be good.