
Oranges and coconut cream (not at the same time)

My day today was totally made when I went grocery shopping and got a free orange. At the checkout, it rolled off to the side a little and wasn't scanned until I saw it as I walked away. And I asked the cashier, "Did you get this orange, too?" And he was like, "Ummmmm...." and then just stuck it in my bag. It wasn't on my receipt when I got home, but I didn't feel like I stole it because he totally gave it to me. Winnerwinnerchickendinner!

And we did have a chicken dinner tonight. My quest for the best orange chicken recipe (mentioned briefly here) has been in effect since I became a wife to the man who loves orange chicken more than almost anything, and tonight I found a prettttty good one. Here's the thing I'm really looking for: Panda Express orange chicken that I can make at home with real ingredients and not a ton of fat. So if anyone else is looking for the same, this is the closest I've gotten! (And there are at least 5 precursors to this one that didn't make the cut, so PIN DAT.) I used less honey (a scant 1/3 cup instead of a full 1/2 cup) because the comments said it was too sweet, and next time I'll use slightly less ginger because it cleared my sinuses just a little more than is comfortable. Otherwise, totally tasted wonderful and was super quick and easy.

One other story from the grocery store, since the grocery store is a fascinating place full of magic and wonder: I wanted to buy a couple cans of coconut milk because lots of things that I want to make call for it and I just never have it on hand. But all I could find was a coconut milk wannabe (watered down version made from "coconut milk extract") and then a thing called "coconut cream," which didn't sound like what I wanted either. But I bought the cream because it sounded maybe a little closer to what I wanted and had a less suspicious ingredients list. And then, on my way out of the store (still rejoicing in my free orange), I saw a whole special display bin of normal coconut milk, right there in plain sight! It taunted me to turn around and buy some, but I was in quite a hurry and decided I'd get some next time. 

So now I have coconut cream, and the only thing I can think to make with it is the pina colada recipe that it came with. Anyone know of anything delicious that involves coconut cream? The suggestion box is now OPEN. 


  1. My favorite blog posts to read these days are ones that involve people's successful recipes (unless it is a food blogger posting her own recipe--then I can't trust it unless everyone leaves love on the recipe in the comments section).This is how I know I'm becoming a boring human and approaching the "mom" stage. I'm just waiting to be hit with an urge to start quilting, and then it will be time. Seriously, thanks for the recipe suggestion! I've made orange chicken twice before, and both times it was a fail, so I'm excited to try this next week.

    1. Hooray!! I totally agree about the food blogger thing. Like, "OF COURSE you're going to tell me it's the easiest and yummiest thing ever made. Now let me read all the amendments people had to make in the comments."

      I hope this orange chicken fulfills all your wildest mom dreams.

  2. Well, I read that coconut cream is basically coconut milk with less water. On this blog they seem to have success making the milk from cream: http://www.mommypotamus.com/how-to-make-coconut-milk-from-coconut-cream/
    And also pina colada is DELECTABLE.

    1. Wonderful to know!! Thanks for the link and the recommendation.

  3. Curries, smoothies, freshly whipped on top of fruit pancakes. Make a yummy mousse with it or a myriad of otherdesserts whichcall forregular cream. I'm sure it would be good to add just a b it to a glass of milk, too 😉

  4. Curries, smoothies, freshly whipped on top of fruit pancakes. Make a yummy mousse with it or a myriad of otherdesserts whichcall forregular cream. I'm sure it would be good to add just a b it to a glass of milk, too 😉
