
I promise it wasn't a birthday hangover.

I am officially in the real swing of this student teaching thing. Wanna know how I know that? Because I accidentally slept in until 9:40 today. (Class starts at 8:45, we have to be there at 8:15.) So you know what that means: time to switch alarms!

In all truthfulness, though, I think I slept in because I think I have the flu. It's mild and I'm combating it by eating nothing and drinking lots of water, which is working for me. (As Mom wisely told Mattea, "The less you eat, the less you can poop!") It didn't hurt that I got three extra hours of sleep last night, either, so kudos to my ears for neglecting to hear three alarms, two phone calls, and three texts just to give the rest of my body a little break.

Speaking of a break, did you guys know that high school students get, like, no breaks?? I forgot just how grueling it can be to sit in chairs all day for more than an hour at a time with only five minute breaks between classes. As student teachers, we spend the majority of the first few weeks just observing, and I felt like I needed a nap every day after school for the first week. Note to self: when teaching, find ways to break up the monotony.

I'm changing the subject now! (Joseph says I have a tendency to veer sharply from the subject at hand, sometimes mid-sentence, so I try now to give warning when I'm veering. There's your warning.)

My birthday yesterday was a pretty darn good one. I had a secret wish that my partner and I would be able to leave school early, and then we did. I had a secret wish that Joseph would be able to come home early, and then he did. I had a secret wish that I wouldn't have to make dinner, and then I didn't. And I had a secret wish that the pineapple I chopped up in the morning would be delicious, and then it was. Basically, all my wildest dreams came true before I ever even opened any presents! (More dreams came true during presents time, too.) It was a great day, and then it ended with homemade brownies, so it was a fantastic day.

Thought as of late: should I, or should I not, post a Facebook album of our wedding photos? I never did because I loved them too much to post to Facebook (I'm kind of a snob), but my sentiments have changed and now my only fear is that people will be like, wait didn't they get married forever ago? I guess I'd just have to say, "Yes, yes we did," and then we could all move on from the awkward. Anyone have anything to weigh in on this issue? I'm not mad if you don't. Just thought I'd ask. 


  1. I've had a debate like this before in my head, but if you want to I say go for it!

    1. I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one! I think I shall indeed "go for it." Thanks for weighing in, Britt. You are wonderful!

  2. Okay okay okay... I'm so glad you commented on my blog because then I went to check in on you and I DEFINITELY have something to say about this! K, I know, I felt like an idiot posting pictures of myself all over social media, I probably went too far, but -dagnabit!- I love wedding pictures!! Seriously, I have a freaky confession: since I knew facebook existed (8 years ago) I used to click through to random people who looked like they might be married- people I didn't know and never will- just to see wedding pictures. I know, it's not normal and maybe not right, but I live for them! Of course I'm mostly interested in the dress and how each unique couple styles their wedding, but I adore them! I used to tell myself, especially when I was in design school, that I was doing research. It made me feel better about creeping on people. So what I'm trying to say is, I never forgave you for not posting them but I am willing to let it go if you repent and put them up immediately. I know not everyone is as strange as me but I bet there are a ton of people who really want to see them too! And I don't think anyone will think anything except "Awesome! Wedding pictures! Allyssa looks like a fox..."

    And that's my humble vote. Bye.

    1. Oh my goodness, that confession cracked me up!! I think everybody who was on Facebook in earlier years was a bit of a creep, so don't go losing any sleep over it. But Kaitlin, you were my first inspiration! You have gone nowhere near "too far" with your wedding photos, and you've done it so gracefully that I always want to see more. I have some time on my hands this semester, so I suppose repentance and a wedding album are in order...

  3. I just feel the need to clarify my eating to pooping ratio comment. It was only intended for an angsty teenager who was worried about diarhhea and school. At any rate, it was terrible advice, because diarhhea is terribly dehydrating and it was said mainly in jest. Take good care of yourself and stay hydrated. Love, Mom.
