
Ill and husbandless

I am ill and husbandless this week, but I feel surprisingly great about life. I think it's because I just watched You've Got Mail. Maybe I'll watch it again tomorrow.

I should probably back up a bit because I just used two adjectives to describe my current self that I wouldn't expect any of you to necessarily know anything about before now. 

I am ill because I have had an increasingly sore throat since last Friday, and last night my body tacked a bit of congestion and wicked sneezing into the mix, so as of today, I am admitting that I am ill. I really want to skip school tomorrow, but I figure I can go one more day, especially since we have an observation to attend and I am the designated driver (not because we're drunk but because we don't all have cars). But here's the thing: I think humans have a tendency to overestimate their importance, especially when they get sick, because the world would totally go on spinning tomorrow if I never even got out of bed. And it's kind of freeing and kind of horrible to realize that, ya know? File that under "things to consider next time you're sick."

I am husbandless because Joseph is touring California with the Young Ambassadors this week. It is apparently the busiest tour ever planned because he has had naught but a few sporadic, 5-minute chunks of time to chat with me, and today marks the end of day seven out of ten. I am now, sadly, accustomed to the lack of communication, but that doesn't mean it's not still a bummer. Needless to say, I await with great excitement the moment on Sunday evening when we run into each other's arms from across the RB parking lot. He better remember to set down his guitar first...

Today at school, my cooperating teacher asked my partner and I whether we knew of any good way to make a quick invitation for a Valentine party. I pulled up Canva to show her, and then she asked if we'd just make one for her real quick. That was the moment I realized that student teaching might not be just about student teaching. I could talk more about that, but I think I'll not for now. Sorry for the cliffhanger.

But check out what we did!
Isn't a Valentine dinner for the widows of the ward a cute idea?? I like this Bishop Hanson guy already.


  1. Oh dear me, that is a sweet idea. And a pretty invite, too! I'm sorry about your throat and husband. Hopefully you have both back by next week!
