
Winter 2015 semester run-down

This week I began my final semester as a student at BYU, and if you thought for one second that I wouldn't still write up my pre-judgments for my classes, then you were mistaken. Here's the thing, though: I only have one class because student teaching is one 12-credit-hour class, and you're not allowed to take anything else during the semester you student teach. So. Pre-judgments for my class, not classes.

Student Teaching :: My partner and I have been assigned to teach at a charter school, and this is the first time said charter school has ever accepted any student teachers. Now, we haven't met with the principal yet (that's tomorrow morning), but everyone else seemed a liiiiiiiittle wary of us today (except our actual mentor teacher, who is great fun). So there seems to be some extra pressure to prove myself although I'm sure that anybody I actually asked would be quick to say, "Nah, don't worry about it." Also, they have really strict rules that I'm worried about breaking (this dress code definitely puts my last job's dress code to shame). HOWEVER, the good news is that I'm scared enough of actually teaching real students for extended periods of time that I really can't afford to worry about much else right now. I'll just hope that my first impressions were faulty and tread water the best I can for now. Should be fun!

And come April 16, I will be done and graduated and licensed and whoa--adulthood is impatiently knocking. 

Here goes nothing.

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