
Dear reader,

Well, you may have noticed that I haven't blogged in like a week. I'd apologize but that feels conceited so I guess I won't. 

Pretty much here's the deal: the end of this semester is in sight! I'm fairly certain I will hear angels singing on the day I take my last final. However, the bad news is that my level of care for my assignments/grades/future decreases [exponentially] with each passing day. For example, yesterday I showed up 30 minutes late to a study sesh with friends, and then today I totally forgot to go to two reviews. Like, I didn't even think about those bad boys until they were over. Like, they were the only real reviews I even planned to go to, and I inadvertently skipped them. 

So, ya know, whatev.

In honor of me trying to kick it in gear for the next week, however, I think I shall continue my blogging hiatus. If I'm going to not care about something, it may as well be something that affects my posterity rather than my scholarship, right?

Ugh, this is so not me

I think alls I'm tryna say is: I'll see you in a week. Or maybe right before. But don't expect to hear much from li'l ol' me for a while here because I have bigger fish to fry. 

Your understanding is much appreciated. 

With love from:
the management.

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