

Oh look, I still have a blog!
I thought for sure this thing would disappear if I ditched it for a month.
I've been real busy and stuff.
But it's not like that's a real excuse. I mean, you know, it's not like I've been out of the country or anything...

Oh wait. I almost forgot.
I just got back from MEXICO.
No worries, I didn't see anyone I know there. 
(Well that's a lie, I did see one person I know. But it wasn't a boy or anything.)
(So we're good.)

But anyways, I'll be back soon to show off my recent adventures and my rockin' sunburn.
Before then I just have to finish unpacking my toiletries and souvenirs and then I need to buy presents for like ten people and wrap them and give them away and then I have to send some stuff in the mail to like three different people and also I have to eat as much yummy food as possible and sometime in all that there's a Skype call that I'm looking forward to and at least I got to spend last week doing absolutely nothing so that I have a whole bunch of stored up energy for everything on the to-do list for the next two days. Right?
Whew. I love the holiday season.

Just in case I really don't have time to come back and say hi before Tuesday, I wanted to say:
Feliz Navidad, everyone. If Christmas isn't your thing, happiest of holidays. I love you all because you read my blog. 
And also for other reasons but that's the one that applies to everyone simultaneously. 
And I got you a baby sloth video as a present. 