
When it rains, it pours.

Can I just tell you about the day we've had, real quick?

:: Leaking water heater noticed this morning
:: Water working its way through half of the storage room, ruining carpet and a couple atlases but fortunately no food
:: No warm water all day
:: Sputtering toilets and faucets, dripping showers. In Briana's words, "Toilets are spewing forth much anger."

:: Frozen cars
:: My car battery is dead. It idles too low when it gets cold. Or something. All it means is that I have no transportation of my own.
:: Used Rye's to go to Jen's for the evening, couldn't see squat for the entire 2 minute drive (just kidding, Mom)
:: Her window scraper doesn't do a darned thing, by the way. I tried it.

:: Came home to Mattea having eaten a mysterious nut and ready to upchuck
:: Poor girl is presently lying on the floor by the nearest toilet
:: Also came home to frustrated people because something about "Lowe's wasn't cooperating so FINE, we'll just take our business to Home Depot!!" because it was kind of a last straw thing so we became those customers
:: And by last straw I am not kidding because oh, did I mention that Will's truck died and needed to be towed home?
:: And Dad fell down while carrying a new water heater and slipped on ice and nailed his elbow on concrete stairs

Needless to say, we're all a little a little anxious for today to be over.
I suppose lots of this doesn't really make sense if you haven't been at my house today. 
But that's ok because it's more for us to read over in the distant future and laugh, "How awful!"
Because seriously guys, I don't remember a time we've ever had such bad luck in one 24-hour period.

On a positive note, we have much to be grateful for.
The new water heater comes with energy efficiency labels and 10 extra gallons! And a discount because the people at Home Depot felt bad for us!
We have a bunch of cookies because we made some for a wedding reception in the ward tonight!
And our house is still standing!

All is well.
[Or at least, it will be in the morning.]
So good night.


  1. Yuck, yuck, yuck. Hope your dad didn't hit his elbow too hard.

    What happened to that amazing luck of yours? Maybe you should dust the entire house with your clothing to spread it around.

    1. I totally LOL'd at that. I'm not sure it would work quite right but the image of that is hilarious.
