

That's what I said today when I was sitting calmly on the couch and saw something scurry into the pantry out of the corner of my eye.

[Spoiler alert: it was a mouse.]

But I've never actually seen a real mouse inside somebody's real house, so my first thought was not "mouse!" but rather "spider!" and then immediately after that "NO! tarantula!!" because, um, huge spider?

I am not a screamer in most circumstances (roller coasters, horror films, etc.), but goodness knows I skuh-reamed

And that scared the lil guy, so then he ran out of the pantry, across the wall opposite me in the living room, and behind our computer/bookshelf corner. Probably to nibble on our techy cords, the jerk.

I might have screamed a second time, and maybe a third time? It's hard to remember. I think I was in shock. I was definitely hyperventilating. 

I texted Joseph in all caps, and then I did that again for good measure, and then I called my mom because when the husband's at work, the mom is next on the speed dial list.

And then I just cried and cried on the phone for a minute. And then Mom reminded me that these things don't have to live in your house forever just because they spent an afternoon there, and I started to calm down a teensy bit. She also advised me to just leave the house since I apparently wasn't handling things well? (Correct.)

(My eye is literally twitching as I recall these memories to type this.)

But first I moved our stupid cereal from the floor of the pantry, and I took out the stupid trash, and I searched the stupid bedroom for stupid holes, and I put on my stupid heftiest boots to protect my toes from stupid nibbling rodents. Oh, and I put the delicious cake from yesterday into the stupid fridge. I did all of this in an awful, crying mood.

I also texted my landlord because she's always had our back in times of trouble. And I texted Jenna too because we'd already been texting all morning. And I texted Dad to see if he wanted to go to lunch so I could leave the house and not just wander Provo for the hour before work. And then I flinched every single time my phone vibrated from the now five conversations I had going on. I was a lil jumpy.

Fortunately, work was busy when I first got here, so I was distracted. But now I have finished everything and I have a lil break, and I alternate between picturing that stupid mouse either chewing on my backpack or being scared and adorable. Isn't there some syndrome or something where you start feeling sympathy for your captor? This is how I feel every other minute right now.

Ugh, what an emotional roller coaster. I'm gonna wait for Joe to get home before I go inside our apartment tonight cuz this is H-E-double hockey sticks.

And they all lived happily ever after. The end.


  1. Ewww! I feel ya sister!! We had a mouse in our nasty apartment 2 weeks ago. We tried to chase it out (well, Jared chased it out while I sat on the bed, crying and vowing never to touch the floor again), but I know it found its way back in again. We found a stash of trail mix hidden behind our bedside table, so that was traumatic. It probably lived there for months. Then we moved all our stuff out and into our new apartment, but when we went back to the old place to clean, there were mouse droppings ALL OVER our kitchen counter. It knew we were gone and claimed the place as its own. Who knew that a tiny mouse could cause such trauma? Good luck with your little creep! Good riddance!

    1. "Who knew" indeed!! I told my sister that I thought all the humans in Ratatouille were overreacting until yesterday happened. Now I think they are all completely rational people. Ugh! Best of luck in your new apartment, and may no mice find you there.

  2. As upsetting as a mouse in the house can be, I still found this post hilariously entertaining. At least the delicious cake didn't make the stupid list.
