
This is the result of a very productive evening.

Tonight's activities included:
:: some hard-core and completely shameful Facebook stalking
:: some Justin Bieber songs
:: and a complete lack of control in the Oreo truffle department.

All in all, not my best use of time. Oh well.

Fun fact: I use Picasa for all my photo-editing needs (which fortunately aren't incredibly intense because let's be honest, Picasa isn't incredibly intense either). Picasa finds faces for me and essentially tags them as I upload photos. This is both good and bad--good because I don't have to do the sorting myself, and bad because it sees EVERY face that ever enters my computer. It was obnoxious at first to see so many strangers from the backgrounds of my photos in the Unnamed folder, but then I started naming the best ones (as inspired by Bri one time). If I get a particularly memorable background face (usually super creepy or super hilarious), I name it. Some of these names are as follows:

Best Photobomber Ever
Bountiful Boy
Buzz Lightyear
Jane Seymour (this one was really her...in the MoTab Christmas concert)
Not a Face
Rapunzel (also valid, fo' rillz)
Walt Disney

As you can see, I'm just getting started. These will certainly get more creative as time wears on. And just for fun, I'd like for you all to meet Yikes:
Do you see him? Do you see his eyes boring into your soul from behind Emeralda's Prophecies? I am not talking about my father here. Please enjoy a close-up:

I hope he doesn't keep you from sleeping tonight. Wish I could guarantee the same for myself! Ok bye.

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