
Semester run-down, Winter 2013

My birthday is on Saturday and it kinda snuck up on me this year and so now I'm just really excited! Also: just barely learned "snuck" is not a word because it has a red squiggly line under it. "Squiggly" is a word, if you were wondering.

One of my 2013 goals is to floss my teeth every day. Here is a fact for you: I hate flossing with at least 98% of my total hate. IT IS THE WORST THING EVER. I'm convinced of it. I've never been good at flossing my teeth on a regular basis except for one time after I graduated from high school. I had my 6-month cleaning and was told I should floss more (sounds like every other dentist trip in my entire life) and I decided to just do it this time. So I flossed every night for the next 6 months and then I went back to the dentist feeling very proud of myself... and I had my first cavity!! I was so ticked. So then, out of spite, I deliberately did NOT floss for the 6 months afterward, and I didn't have a single cavity then or since. I've pretty much convinced myself that my theory about how sticking string between your teeth every night is actually just a great way to open up more spots for more sugar to take up residence is completely true. But I'm flossing in 2013 anyway. Joy.

A picture for Mattea, since I am going to discuss school now:
This is my family at Swiss Days because I never blogged about going to Swiss Days.
So I am killing two birds with one stone here by blogging a picture from Swiss Days.

So yeah, what I really came here for is my semester pre-judgments (a favorite tradition). This semester we have:

:: Theory of Analysis. After last semester, I decided to calm down the amount of math I try to learn at one time, so I have this one to be my hard class and then one other math-y class that is easier, and that's IT. But that doesn't mean I'm not scared for this one. But also I really like my professor's sense of humor, plus I know him a little bit from my junior year of high school when we were both involved with Special Needs Mutual, so it's fun to see him in a new context. No, he doesn't remember me. I wish. BONUS: I am far enough in my major that I know like half the people in the class! 

:: Family History. This class very well may kick my heinie. (Heinie is not a word. Heiny is also not a word.) However, it is my one-class-per-semester which is completely unrelated to my major, a "for fun" class, if you will. So I can tell myself that when I am in the middle of researching and it will instantly become fun and interesting. And I like my professor. AND I can finally feel like I am doing something to act on my ever-present family history guilt. Ok it's not guilt, but you know what I mean?

:: Task Design and Assessment. At least, I think that's what it's called. Nobody calls it anything but MTHED 277, so whatev. This class is at 8 AM and lasts 1.5 hours instead of 50 minutes, so I better learn to be a morning person real quick here. Wish me luck.

:: Survey of Geometry. This class is another 1.5 hour thing and it's right after the last one and it's in the exact same room. UGH. But the professor's a little more captivating! So that's a nice feature. Also, I enjoyed the activity we did in class today. This is my easier math-y class, if you're wondering. It's math-y and not just math because it's technically a class from the Math Ed dept, so we learn more than just math, but it's way more math to learn than any of the other Math Ed classes. It's a bit of a fence-sitter, if you know what I mean.

:: Women's Chorus. Well, I think I should keep my mouth shut for another little while here on this one. We will make great strides of great progress in the very near future, I'm sure of it. Also, did I mention that I might could sing in the next General Conference?? No I didn't because I'm trying not to get my hopes up. But I could, so that's cool. 

Also, I have another class but I haven't been to it yet. So maybe I'll mention a blurb about it, or not, after class tomorrow night. And I know I've given you too much to swallow already, but guess what embarrassing thing I did today?? I totally went to the WRONG 2 hour class! Hahahahaha ok it's not THAT funny you can stop laughing now. (Sorry for the run-on.) I actually realized it within like two seconds of class starting but I have to take that class anyway so I thought I'd just sit and see if I wanna just take it and get it over with this semester. Still haven't decided. But that was definitely an interesting moment (or hour, I mean whatever) in my day. 

Ok, that's all for now folks. Despite my sarcastic remarks here, I am genuinely excited for this semester to get going. I really do think I'm going to enjoy it a lot, and I don't have to spend all my time in that building that always smells like lasagna, so WAHOO.

One more picture for Mattea:



  1. Hahaha! Thanks Lys,it's not that your posts are boring. I just already hear about it at home. Plus also, where in the world was that last picture and why don't I remember it?

    1. It was taken at the family reunion we went to at Camp Atoka.
