
Whoa, word vom.

(vom: n. abbreviation for "vomit")

Ok, apparently I lied about my family history project because apparently someone thought it'd be a good idea to go and fix exactly what I planned to research over the weekend!! URGH I'M NOT FRUSTRATED AT ALL. 

Sorry to yell there, just had to get that out. I really am not frustrated though because guess what? There's an even bigger mess to clean up if I just go one generation back! So naturally I'll be fixing that instead during this semester. And now I'm super pumped because Mom revealed to me a great secret (not really secret): we have a family genealogy book which spans 8 generations of Woolleys, which means a whole lot of biographies and pictures and other excellent sourcing material. So "holler at your boy," as my friend Tenery says.

But still. Curses on whoever fixed that glitch. And curses on their posterity. 

...oh wait. I take back the posterity bit. 

Hahaha I kill me.

OH and while I'm here! I have a cool story and it's called "one time I went to my classes on Tuesday and all my teachers canceled all my homework for Thursday so I have nothing due until Saturday now and my life rocks." Just raising the roof over here.

And I'm sorry that this blog post doesn't really have anything to do with anything but not really sorry at all. 

This post is much more representative of how I actually talk in real life than usual, and I think you should know that for some reason. Okbye.


  1. I like it :) That's how I blog most of the time... although sometimes I think that makes it hard to read if you're not used to being around me... meh.
