
Day of fri.

Hey look, it's Friday!
Fridays are one of my favorite days of the week. 
It used to be that Thursday was always my favorite.
But this semester I have to work later on Thursday than any other day, which means it is slowly sinking to the bottom of the "favorite days" list. 
The good news is that basically every other day of the week is on that list!

Mondays are great because it's Family Home Evening day, which--it turns out--just means another date night.
Tuesdays are great because it's my day off of work, so I come home at 6:00 instead of 7 or 8. 
Wednesdays are fine but I guess they don't really make the favorites list. They're average.
Fridays are great because it's date night! Ain't nobody don't love a good date night.
Saturdays are great because it's make-a-yummy-breakfast-and-go-to-the-temple day. And then after that we have the whole day to do chores and fix up our apartment.
Sundays are great because of church, and family, and nice big dinner, and dessert. 

So yeah, it's pretty much always a good day.
I feel like that's a healthy way to live life, but maybe that's just me.

Please enjoy some Friday forget-me-nots:

And have a happy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I love those forget-me-nots...and all that they represent.
