
My two things

When we started actual wedding planning (by which I henceforth mean the details beyond who and which temple), I said that the two things I cared about most were the photography and the flowers. I had good reason for this! Photography was important because the wedding photos are what you walk away with after it's all said and done (well, other than the fact that you're now married and you have a ton of cake in your freezer). And flowers--well, I just love them. Few things make me happier than fresh flowers, and this was the one day that it would be completely acceptable for me to carry around a handful of them ALL DAY LONG. Yessssssssss.

And so we began researching those. We searched far and wide and long and it was so worth it. They were both perfect. Check it out:

See how loverly?? I will happily admit that both made me cry. My bouquet made me cry when I saw it, and then again when I had to throw it, and it made me smile at every second in between. And I tear up when I look through the photos also. They're just so purdy!

So yes, they were both worth the desperate searching because I have so much love love love love love for them as I look back. Thanks be to:
and c) my parents (for caring as much as I did). 


  1. Ooooooooooh! I love this post. I completely agree. You can cut corners here and there on so many aspects of a wedding but not the photographer. I'm so glad that the flowers and photography was such an important part of your big day! I'm so bummed I wasn't able to come to the reception but thankfully these photos tell the story of the magic of your day!
    Love you!!!! <3

  2. love your photos! and those flowers! and that cake is amazing :)

    i'm so happy for you two!!!

  3. Love love love. I was exactly the same way, pictures and flowers!! My only regret about my reception is that I didn't get MORE flowers. Love yours!!

  4. Oh my goodness! Where have I been!?!?! I didn't even know you got married!!! Congratulations Alyssa!!!
    Just so you know, I've never been the type to plan out my wedding... but for my wedding thus far (when it happens in the future...) all I know is that everything will be sunflowers and YELLOW (: I love this!
