

Deciding :: what's for dinner this week...in advance!

Wishing :: Joseph didn't feel like mud this week. Poor guy.

Waiting :: for the next set of 101 free prints. (This is how I'm getting hard copies of all our wedding pictures.)

Hoping :: next week's primary program goes off without a hitch.

Marvelling :: that anybody finds time to vote. I am going to have to rearrange my entire day on Tuesday...

Wondering :: what scenarios might be in this book, if it existed.

Loving :: our radiator-heated apartment. Mmmmmmmm.

Pondering :: the implications of the end of daylight saving time on my homework habits. Do I get to go to bed earlier because it's dark outside earlier? Do I get to skip stuff I don't want to do?

Cooking :: with my Crock Pot? Maybe this month? Maybe?

Playing :: Folt in sets of 5 lives at a time (because then I have to wait 2 hours for more lives).

Considering :: Bountiful Baskets? Anyone have any comments on these?

Knowing :: that I need to organize my time more effectively to finish this semester strong.

Admiring :: all of the sisters I have the opportunity to visit teach. Also, my companion.

Giggling :: at the expense of this poor orchestra.

Needing :: milk before tomorrow morning. 
(Knowing :: it'll never happen but that's okay too.)

Feeling :: blessed to feel physically, emotionally, and mentally healthy and secure.


  1. I did bountiful baskets once and I really liked it!! It is a lot of food, so you wouldn't need to do it every week. I totally think it's worth trying once!

    1. Glad to hear it's lots of food. That's mostly my concern! But I think it's generally a pretty darn good deal, from what I've gathered so far. Thanks for the input!!

  2. Bountiful Baskets is so great. It gives you interesting and new foods that you(well me at least) would never try or dream of buying. They do themes too, so like a mexican basket, italian, etc. I totally love it. Like Brittany, it's a lot of food for just the two of us, so we only do it like once a month.

    1. Okay, I had never heard of the themed baskets, but I will have to look into that cuz that sounds super neat. And I like that aspect of interesting and new foods as well! Thanks for weighing in!!
