
He's home

I often (always) get homesick when I'm not on my own turf for longer than about 12 hours. It sounds pathetic when I put it in such short and clear cut terms, but I've never claimed to be adventurous, so whatevs.

This weekend, I spent my first night at home without Joseph next to me (he went on a mini-tour with the Young Ambassadors). I felt that same bout of homesickness that usually comes from leaving home, and it totally took me by surprise, kind of like, "What? I'm not the one who left! I'm here! I'm here in my own home!"

When Joseph came home from his mission, I knew I wanted to Instagram a picture at some point during that day to mark the end of one era and the potential start of another. I didn't want to post some stupid caption like, "Can't believe this guy's back already! #missionary #mexico #lovehim," so I drafted potential captions in my head in the days leading up to his return. (This is a full disclosure blog post, apparently. Does anyone else in the world pre-draft social media photo captions? Anyone??)

The only problem was that I wasn't sure how I would really feel when he got here and I saw him and we hugged or shook hands or avoided eye contact or whatever. I had no idea what to expect for me or for him! So I also saved a little blank space (NOT a Taylor Swift reference here) in my list of potential captions to fill in if inspiration struck. 

And that blank space caption was the one I ended up using. I filled it in like this:

"He's home. And it feels like I'm home."

It was a good description then, but apparently it's downright perfect now. He's currently sleeping in the other room, and any semblance of my homesickness from this weekend is gone. Home is back to being home because he's here.

I love that guy.

In other news, apparently I will insist on blogging about our dramatic reunions every time we're separated for any amount of time, until the end of time. #sorrynotsorry


  1. I most definitely pre-draft captions for social media in my head. Then after I post it I usually think of the thing I wish I had really said #firstworldproblems.
