
Ed does it again

For our anniversary last month, I pre-ordered the second Hobbit movie, extended edition, on DVD, for Joseph. It arrived early this week, and although he's watched it probably three or four times since then (he watches while he practices guitar in the afternoons), I just barely made it to the end for the first time yesterday (I am always at work in the afternoons). 

Now. The genre of fantasy isn't usually my thing, and really long movies aren't usually my thing, so all things LOTR are kind of a foreign world for me. But I enjoyed the first Hobbit movie much more than I would have ever anticipated, and the second wasn't bad either. Mostly I just love little Bilbo Baggins! He's adorable.

There's one other thing I love about these movies: the music during the credits. Whoever put together the last few seconds of each movie with the first few seconds of the credits knew what they were doing. And since the credits we watched yesterday began with some Ed Sheeran, I've been listening to that ever since. 

So, like, yeah, that's why we're here. Enjoy!

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