
Obsession with film

A while back, I heard from someone or read somewhere about digital vs. film photography. The main point I understood from it was this: no matter how hard digital cameras try, they will never measure up to the potential quality of photos taken the old-fashioned way. I have since compared the two categories on my own and noticed that I really really love the look of real film photos. Digital is crisp, but film has character. 

Knowing that, you can understand how excited I was last week when my mom came home with an envelope from Macey's which held a bunch of old film rolls and a CD of the pictures from them. I've been dying to go through them ever since and just got around to it last night. And oh my heavens I love film.

Can I just share some favorites?
Ok thanks.
And feel free to click on these and zoom in and snoop around because that is the only way you too will fall in love.

[Quick note: Most of these are mysterious in that we don't know for sure who took them. But our most educated guess is that they are from a disposable camera of Mattea's. She would have been in 5th grade or so when she took these.]

We went on a family vacation to Oregon a few summers ago, and we had somewhat of a collective obsession with the beach sunsets. We ran down to take pictures every evening:
This one. I die.

Just for comparison, here's one from my own [digital] camera:
Sharper image maybe, but there's just not as much charm, am I right?? 

We also found a few daytime beach pics from that trip. Here's my fave:
It looks like a wonderland! Is it the beach? Is it Narnia? We may never know.
Also, I don't know a whole lot about composition and lighting and stuff, but this is pretty darn pleasing to the eye so I vote that it passes the test of good photography. Somebody post it on Pinterest or something, k? (not really.)

So yeah, I find these incredibly dreamy. Something about the imperfections and the graininess and the colors--I just love it all. I think I want to take a disposable camera on every vacation I ever go on now. Wouldn't it be fun to find gems like these more often? Yes, yes it would.
I will share them when I make this happen.


  1. Any time any of you post beach pictures, I have to say: there is a whole lotta beach out here. BRIBERY.

  2. I understand what you mean. Last year when my mom and I went to Disneyland I made sure to grab a couple disposable cameras too. There is such a difference between the two its hard to explain.

    1. Totally! Film at Disneyland...hmmm...I think that just became a goal of mine.

  3. Those were TOTES my pics. Glad that I'm now blog worthy...:)

    1. You are always blog worthy, little one. :)
