
It happened on November 9

Yesterday, winter began. 

On Thursday, the news predicted 1-3" of snow for Utah valleys this weekend (Friday-Sunday).
On Friday [yesterday], the sky dropped a solid 5 inches over the course of the day. 
Saturday and Sunday are not yet come and gone.
So, like I said, winter is here!

I know I already blogged about the first time it snowed; that's different because it happens every year: it snows mucho one day, melts real quick, and then doesn't snow for a while longer. 
But I think this weekend might be the real deal, starting the cycle where the snow insists on sticking around just long enough for it to snow again. 

Yesterday I drank hot chocolate and ate soup for dinner and watched a movie with a blanket on the couch and listened to Christmas music (although this is old news) and wore boots.
So it's all rather exciting and downright romantic [in the way that old things and cozy things are romantic] at this point.
Ask me how I feel about it in February.

Proof of the events hereby discussed: 
Both of these were taken in the early afternoon, when less than half of yesterday's snow had fallen.

I rest my case.

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