
I have no clue when this happened

but apparently I like music like this all of a sudden. 

I used to be pretty much completely disinterested in this stuff. But HELLO these are amazing. I'm about to look into that Ed Sheeran album because I'm positive it must be incredible, but I'm also not sure if this is just a brief music fad for me!! Oh, my life is so hard. I'm sure I'll be back to rant about Ed when I actually buy his album. In the meantime, you can join me in falling in love with these two songs.


  1. Alyssa Shirley do not buy the album! Just get Spotify. It is free, you can listen to all his songs and it even recommends music that is similar. It's amazing!

    1. Nicole Dowd can I burn CD's from it? Cuz sometimes I'm old-fashioned.

  2. Shutttttup your face. I love The Head and the Heart. Saw them in concert a couple months ago. Greatest thing of my life. I want to be them when I grow up.

    1. Dear Erin, I can totally see you being them when you grow up. Apparently I need to look into them more, yes? Cuz this is my only one from them so far. I shall get on that.

  3. Uh I am going to take full credit for the Head and the Heart. I posted it on my blog, that HAS to be why you love them.

    1. I'm gonna go ahead and let you have that, Kathy. Many thanks for the introduction! ....

  4. P.s. I have their cd if you want it. AMAZING
