
Sad--happy--heartwarming post (in that order)

Today I got a bad test score and a broken car heater.
Tomorrow I am buying pity ice cream and hot chocolate.
And I just think things will be better after that. 

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is a week away?? I'm so darn excited! Here is how I see my life currently: 

:: sister, brother, nephew arrive next week
:: we all eat yummy food and play with extended family
:: back to school for three weeks
:: talk to a missionary 
:: a semester with only one hard math class instead of two 
:: fun stuff in my free time since I'll maybe actually have free time next semester
:: that same missionary comes home
:: .......?

So, you know, if I can get through tomorrow and Friday, I am set for life/eternity/whatever.

On a different note, this is cool: 

These are LDS missionaries serving in New York currently. The one on the far right is who I got this picture from [pardon my awful English]; his family posted it as his new cover photo on Facebook. I know him because he's friends with my cousin Drew who I played with lots last fall semester. He's speaking Mandarin on his mission. The one second from the left is from my home ward and group of friends in high school. He's speaking Spanish on his mission. HOW DID THESE TWO LAND IN THE SAME PICTURE. We may never know. (But for reals, we might not.) But it made me really happy. 

And while we're talking about it, this is also cool: