
Something less frivolous than usual.

Today, because of the time change, I walked to my car during sunset.
I remembered watching really beautiful sunsets that one summer.
I remembered how it was simply assumed that we would watch, even if it only had potential to be a good one. 
I remembered how I'd comment on its beauty, and he'd agree, but then he'd say, "Except it can't compare to you."
It was all very cheesy. I know that now and I knew it then. But it was nice anyway. 

When the sky finished flaming, I drove myself to our cute city library, where I met a friend.
We discussed life as it currently is: school, family, boys, missionaries, and singles' wards.
We discussed life as it was in the past: high school, movie quotes, and family deaths. 
We delved into our interests: the common one of educating others someday, her's in ASL, mine in math.
We secretly creeped a little bit on that one lady from the news.
We laughed a little too loudly for a library setting, but it's ok because we were in the children's section by the stained glass window.
It was good times all around.

My family came. We watched a play called The Hundred Dresses.
It made me laugh. 
It made me criticize, but in a positive fashion.
It made me reflect. 
It made me cry.
It made me resolve to never ever judge another human ever again.
It was a very strong message for a supposed "children's play." I like that.

I knew there was a letter waiting for me when I got home. 
I devoured it. Actually, them. 
I devoured them: the online one to the family and the three in an envelope to me.

He wrote in Spanish, which is nearly impossible to decipher at times. 
He suggested a few songs, which I never saw coming.
He answered all my questions...from September. (I'll hear about last month's questions come December.)
He promised to accept pancake-duty for the rest of eternity if need be, for which I was very grateful. I cannot make pancakes.
He kind of, sort of, maybe made my day.
He bore testimony, therefore strengthening mine.
It was needed and appreciated.

Yesterday was a not-fun Sunday despite my efforts to make it a good one, and that was disappointing. However, today was much better, and with only a few small changes. 
I really enjoy when that happens. 

I'm grateful for the directions my thoughts were taken today. 
I'm grateful for late-night blog posts where I don't care how this might sound when I read it tomorrow. (Don't judge me.)
I'm grateful for time to ponder. For introspection.
I'm grateful for the things that I have, tangible and otherwise.
I'm grateful for the life that I live, because it honestly couldn't be better. 

Happy November, everyone. :)

1 comment:

  1. I prefer introspective over frivolous most of the time, anyway. Plus I like the free-form, stream of thoughts writing style. Good post, darlin'
