
Today's Rambles

Apparently, I feel the need on holidays to list all the reasons I enjoyed that holiday. Just in case current trends continue, I apologize in advance for the upcoming holiday-season-list-posts.

Today I got to listen to a prophet speak, from the front row, and I made approximately 4 new friends in the process. Welcome to BYU, I suppose. It's a good place.

Someday I will be crafty, yea, even like unto my little sisters (and all the bloggers in all the world).

I'm going through music withdrawals lately because the only time I listen to music is in my car from home to BYU and back. Mind you, that's a solid 40 minutes of music...but I don't get to choose any of it. So I think I'm listening to music, but really I'm just falling prey to radio garble. It's a vicious cycle.

Some very dedicated leaf clung to my car window for the entire day, including my trip to and from BYU. Its stem flapped in the wind, and it was really quite adorable. 

This list would be a heck of a lot better with pictures and links and the like, but my lack of camera is still really, really cramping my style. 

I rememorized the Gettysburg Address tonight, just for fun. Wanna hear it? "Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent..."

Who wants to go make these with me?

We'll just need some spring weather and creativity. 

1 comment:

  1. I understand what you mean by radio garbage. I can deal with it sometimes, but the constant commercials annoy me sometimes and I just want to listen to something I'm in the mood for not what's playing.

    And those flower things look so pretty, I'd love to learn how to make them.
