
word vomit.

Feeling quasi thoughtful tonight. 

Today I caught my second wind for letter-waiting. Every time I pass the normal three weeks of waiting, I get a little schlumpy (yes, that's a word.) for a couple days. But then I tell myself that maybe that particular set of letters got lost between here and Mexico because it's happened before and who's to stop it from happening again? Then I say a little prayer that I'll get them eventually and I wait for the next batch instead. Thus, the second wind. 

Kind of a poopy system, but what can you do?

In other news, I went on a date last Friday. Super chill, super fun. Plus also, I got my first ticket stub to SMASH in my journal. It hath been SMASHed and captioned already. I have a feeling there will be a ton of BYUArts tickets in this journal of mine...

I am a narcissistic person and I'm trying to fix that. I met another narcissistic person in one of my classes and found myself inwardly competing with them. Tell me that's not the single most obnoxious trait you've ever heard of. Yeah, I was annoyed with myself. So I said, "Cut it out, nobody likes that." 
Now hopefully I will be a more pleasant person in conversation. 
Also, I'm trying to become more service-oriented because part of my narcissism is thinking that my own agenda is always more important than anyone else's out there. Realized it's actually not. Fixing it.

Sorry Mom that I got all huffy when we talked about this the other day. I often get frustrated with my self-improvement projects; you were the lucky soul who heard that frustration. Thanks for listening. 

Tonight, I am going to write two letters to two different people who are NOT in Mexico. How's that for a change?

Note: I'm sorry I said "vomit" in the title of this post.

Dedicated to Jenna. You're welcome.

And now I shall do some linear algebra because frankly, I enjoy it. 
You know it's a good semester in school when your homework is fun.
The end. 


  1. Oh. My. Gosh.I want a pig so freaking BAD right now. I pinned it!

  2. I wrote Joe two days ago. In the letter I said "Dear Joe, It has been forever since your last letter. It's been what... Your whole mission?" Then I proceeded to explain that I read your blog and know that the mail system works because you always get letters, so I told him he has no excuse not to write me back. I sure hope it actually works :)

    1. I hope it works too! Holler if you hear from him :)

  3. Alyssa! you're a-dorable. Hang in there!
    Now I feel selfish for getting schlumpy when my weekly letter is a few days late...
    That piggie makes me want to cry, he's so cute.

    1. Oh Ruth, thank you much. I appreciate the comment and support :)
