
Near, far, wherever you are

Welcome back to the blog catch-up. 
Today's event of interest: Titanic
These are my two amazing friends and role models from my current singles' ward, Whitney and Lindsey. A couple weeks ago we were practicing a musical number for church when, naturally, Titanic came up. (Ok, we had quit practicing long before this ever came up...) I complained about the fact that no matter how much I try, I can't not love Titanic! It's poop. And then Lindsey asked if we knew it was coming out in 3D. And then one thing led to another and we bought tickets. Oops. 

But really it was a good thing. But I just don't always approve of Titanic even though I can't not love it. But we did see it in IMAX 3D, so that was neat.

Titanic kind of makes me cringe because I know there's a lot of sadness in the real story, but I get all sucked up in Leo and Kate. And then I forget that there were real people on that real ship and that real disaster happened and took real lives. But then I see that quick scene where there's the old couple (if you've seen Titanic, you know the old couple) and I lose it. E'ry time. And then I feel like a decent human again. I don't know why I just explained all that, but it maybe gives you an idea of the conflict behind my love for this movie. 

Anyway, I secretly love claiming Titanic as my first IMAX experience, and I loved going with these two beautiful girls, and I loved Leo, gosh darn it. Good times all around.

Current events:
a) I got a 100 on my physical science test today. Don't ask how I did it because I blogged instead of studying last night and I slept in instead of studying this morning and therefore this test score is what I like to call a "miracle."
b) I have almost finished reading the Hunger Games series, which has been fine not great. I'm scared for the ending because apparently everyone hates it.
c) Tomorrow is the last day of classes for this semester. Where has the time gone??

Ok, that's it for tonight folks. See y'all tomorrow.

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