
think. create. record.

I think I could benefit from a day of creativity. 

Last night I sat down to write in my journal because I haven't for almost a month. 
(I haven't missed more than a week since the beginning of high school, so it was much needed.)
Unlike my usual journaling, I didn't try to catch up on events. It was an abnormally short entry. 
An excerpt:
"The little tag from the store on this journal says, 'think. create. record.' I'm usually a recorder, sometimes a thinker, and rarely a creator in my journals, but I'd like to try to include a wider variety. We'll see how it ends up."

For a long time (high school), my journal entries sounded like minutes from a board meeting. Mega snoozefest.
When I realized that, I started including some thoughts regarding the described events.
Then I realized even that was fairly boring, so I let the thoughts outweigh the events every now and then. 
Honestly, I'm still not always satisfied with the results. Why are my journals so boring??

Here's the deal:
Recording events is informative but tedious. 
Thinking is enlightening. Creating is therapeutic. 
I need those last two more than I need to remember my daily happenings. 
And those last two have more to offer to future audiences than a record of who-what-when-where-why.

Therefore, starting this summer, my goal is this: 

Less worry about the day-to-day. More thinking throughout each day. More creating by choice. 
More openings for inspiration.
And a comprehensive record of everything when it's all said and done.

And to help me out:
Instagram--that magical place where a daily picture becomes art
SMASH--that other magical place where ticket stubs become art
Notebook--a small one, to record one-liners that I'm bound to forget unless I write them down
A summer sewing project--more on this when it happens
And my regular journal, of course

Yeah, lots of creative days coming up. If you'd like to join me, holler.

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