
Oh look! Creative juices are flowing:

Also, I have a coincidence to share, and it is called: one time I took ASL and made a friend named Brittney and then we got talking and she learned I was in Public Speaking and said her husband's in that class, and lo and behold I have it with him! I thought it was odd...

Another thing I realized: I'm in two classes--one where I will fail if I talk and one where I will fail if I don't talk. How I didn't put this together before attending both is completely beyond me. PS: my classes rock.

And now I have been multitasking like nobody's business (quick soapbox: multitasking is a MYTH, people), and now all those unglued and uncaptioned things in the pictures above are stuck in my SMASH journal and I am going to bed. Also, I need to sleep because clearly, I am on a bad run-on-sentence kick that needs to end. Farewell.


  1. what the creeper stalker picture of me! haha thanks for coming to my concert :)

    1. Go digital zoom, woot. And anytime, 'twas lovely.
