Sometimes I think about what cool thing I can contribute to the world before I die.
Like what would I say at the end of my own "I'm a Mormon" video?
"My name is Alyssa. I'm a pianist, I'm a math teacher, I'm a mother, and I'm a Mormon."
That's basically where my life is taking me.
Which isn't bad.
But it also isn't a fashion designer with 154 children who has worked with Mother Teresa.
When we start comparing our weaknesses with others' strengths, we can take all the wind out of our own sails.
Comparison is, I believe, one of Satan's all-time favorite tools. It's subtle and extremely effective.
So what I liked about this video was that line: "Come, all hands are needed."
Not "all hands with expertise" or "all hands with lots of extra time" or, in fact, all hands with any qualifying factor.
All hands are needed, everywhere, to do whatever they can where they are.
And if one person's hands stop working simply because they aren't as good as someone else's hands,
we lose one good worker.
So you know what? I'm going to be one whose hands come to help.
I had a few things stick out to me during church and during my own studies today,
and I think this is my next step to focus on.
Come, all hands are needed.
Even mine. Even yours.
Even though many others are already working.
Do what you can where you are. It'll help more than you know.
Happy Sunday!