
Spiderman, Spiderman...

I was going to blog a great post (post a great blog?) tonight but I have a lot of homework and class at 8AM tomorrow morning, so...that's not gonna happen. 

Here's what gonna happen:
That picture seriously made me laugh out loud on campus the other day. 
And that was the moment I realized that the internet has seriously thwarted my sense of humor.
But I didn't want to do anything about it at that moment, so instead I just laughed at Spiderman.

Please tell me someone out there found this funny. 

Ok and now, just to make sure I actually come back and blog important things this week, I have the following planned:
:: a Valentine's Day post
:: a glory days post
:: and pictures from that trip to Mexico which was TWO MONTHS AGO [ugh.]

If you don't read at least those three posts this week, hold me accountable! Text me, call me, whatevskies. 
I must blog. 
K thanks, you're all great, loveyoubye.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed. But I'm not a good person to trust because I spend my time laughing at a lot of things I see on the internet these days. Oh how lovely it is not to have anything to do!
