
Eeeeeeeeeeeee: it's a thing, ok?

First, the following was spoken at my house tonight:

"Jon says you can tell whether someone is a good kisser by the way they eat an apple."
"Is that true?" 
"Well, I don't eat apples in front of Jon anymore."

Also, I noticed tonight that a lamp in our basement dims when someone uses the microwave upstairs and brightens when the microwave dings. True story.

But here's what I came to show you tonight. This happened today:

I tried to Swype the word "were" and these were my predictive text options. I guess it's possible that I use eeeeeeeeeeee! to convey excitement in texting. If I ever send this to you, you are to read it in the Liesl's scream from The Sound of Music after Rolf kisses her. You know, in that gazebo thing? 16 going on 17? I-III'll take ca-aaaaare of you?


Ok, if you don't know what I'm talking about, go here.
And then go watch that movie because, um, it's as classic as classic gets. I'll come watch it with you if you need a buddy.

Wow, there is a ridiculous amount of repeated vowels in this post. #sorrynotsorry

That is all. 
Good night.

1 comment:

  1. (yeah, don't worry, just catching up on some blogging)
    Some of my favorite texts from you include this at the beginning. and hey, cool trick with the youtube clip.
