
2 social media things?

Ok here is something I am sharing for Women's Chorus:

Hardy har har. We are too funny for our own good. Go watch it and give us another view, yeah? We're just trying to beat Men's Chorus is all. Thanks, I love you.

And here is something that I posted on FB but maybe I have someone who reads my blog with whom I am not currently FB friends and this might apply to them? So yeah. 

Calling ALL soon-to-be missionaries! I got an email this week inviting me to take place in a research project survey, and it sounds super easy and includes a drawing to win free stuff, but I'm not going on a mission in the next 6 months, so I am not eligible to participate (although I'll admit the free stuff almost changed my mind). I tell you this not because I benefit but because it just sounds cool and I'm mad I can't do it so I want people I know and love to do it instead. They are looking for seriously anyone 18-24, leaving soon. If this describes you and you're interested, holler and I'll forward the email. Sorry for the long FB post. kthatsallbye.

More on the survey: 
We invite you to take part in the Pre and Post Mission Survey if you plan on beginning your mission service within the next 6 months.  Study participants have an opportunity to win a $100 gift card prior to their missions and a $500 gift card after their missions. By taking part in this study, you will help us discover how the experience of living in different places affects your political attitudes.

Yeah. And it's being done by professors at MIT, BYU, and Stanford. So...real deal status?
Confession: I just want somebody I know to win a gift card. I have this goal to help people boost their luck because some ridiculous thing inside me thinks it will boost my luck as well? I dunno. Just holler if you wanna do this survey. That's what we came here to talk about. 

Also, I'm sorry that my English in this blog post is awful and that every other sentence is a fake question. That's what social media is for. ??


  1. Hey girl can you send me more info on the mission thing? lecy.skousen@gmail and some of those faces on that video are pretty darn comical. :)
