
Hipster Status

If I had to name my favorite type of person, I would choose: hipsters.
I don't think that was grammatically correct, but whatever.
I typed in "grammatically correct" before it was even cool, so...yeah.
[Hipster joke.]

Well I hope you like wildflower, because that was a lot of it.

I love. punctuation mark bands. More than, like, regular word bands.

They just crack me up. 
I had a TA for Physical Science 100 last year who said she wanted to be a hipster so badly that she Googled how to do it. 
Guys. That is almost where I'm at right now.
Except I don't want to be a hipster; I just want to know lots of them.
So if anybody knows of a good place to find some friendly ones, please let me know.

Thank you for your time.


  1. I'd check at UVU. Joke. Kinda.

  2. This is interesting to me. I would define hipsterism as a rejection of popular culture that inadvertently popularizes its own subculture. Sort of like the punk movement, but without philosophy? Lazy punk? It's sort of devolved into tight pants and indie music. So maybe I am a hipster. Except I vote and listen to the radio, so I guess not. Meh. THE ENIGMATIC HIPSTER! Like, Ryan from the office is a hipster.

    Also I am just interested in what hipster means in your neck of the woods, because I think maybe it is different? A lot of people in SF dress like hipsters (see above re: inadvertent popularization), but the hipsters are mostly elitist, contrarian college kids who don't wash their hair enough... which makes me think your hipsters are different, because I don't really feel like you're going to become an elitist who doesn't wash her hair or that you would want to.

    I dunno, ignore me.

    1. Greasy-haired elitists actually sounds about right as far as my personal definition of hipster goes, but we never really get true hipsters around these parts. At BYU especially, we just get preppy hipsters who shop at thrift stores, wear mismatched clothes, and, yes, listen to indie music, but I think they still do their homework, so...not actually hipster.

      Shaundra joked that I should look at UVU for hipsters. That might be true but I don't know for sure cuz I don't spend enough time on their campus. In any case, I'm positive that we have the same spectrum of hipsters scattered across Utah county as could be found anywhere else, but I would guess they're fewer and farther between than most places? And with an extra dose of posers.

      I dunno. I make stuff up.

  3. Hi Alyssa! Thanks for your sweet comment and for following my insta :) haha. You're so nice. I'll keep blogging just for you. Nice to meet you too!

    Hipsters... who isn't a hipster these days?
