
Just a few things is all

So Prop 8 is going on and I care and stuff (I really do.), but I'm going to ignore the major social media explosion which happened today and talk about other stuff because my blog lately has turned into serious-ville. Which is fine. But I'm just feeling less serious right now. 


A few things.

:: This is me at a young, undetermined age.

:: I take receipt surveys. Because somebody has to win that $1000 WalMart gift card, and someday it. will. be. me. (Cue: Chariots of Fire theme song.)

:: Can anyone tell me why Google Reader must die? I could Google the answer to this question, but really I just want to complain a tad so it's not worth actually trying to find that out right this second. But Reader is, like, my BIFF (Best Internet Friend Forever). And I am definitely going to suffer from separation anxiety if I really do have to say goodbye. Wait, can I start a petition for something like that??

:: I realized last week that I almost have crazy people long hair now. Like you know those people whose hair touches their heinie and it's near impossible to do stuff with it so they just let it hang? Or they braid it? Yeah I'm almost there, folks. The only thing keeping me away from that is SOCK BUNS. 

:: Along that same vein (and while I'm posting a million pictures of my face), the best thing in the world is taking my hair out of a braid. Not that that just happened or anything...uhhhh...

:: I have done SO MUCH FAMILY HISTORY in the last week and it is cool stuff. I followed 12 people through every census they were ever in, and here's a fun fact for you: reading those census sheets is 17 million times easier when you know in advance what names you are looking for (as opposed to indexing people you've never heard of). I have totally fallen in love with my family history class this semester. To all my current BYU friends--take REL C 261 with Amy Harris. And do it now cuz #yolo.

:: I listen to country music lately. Country and I have always had an on-again, off-again relationship and we're on again.

:: And along that same vein, there's this song. I might be over it in a week, but I'm in love with it tonight.

And that's all I've got for you, folks. Three cheers for disorganized posts once more!


  1. i love country too (no surprise), and whenever I hear that song now I think of you. Cue, me texting you the lyrics.

    photo for women's chorus? and do i see a little bit of Emerson in that expression or am i making that up?

  2. Remember.... Send me your blogposts!!!!I am going to miss them!!

  3. I have a solution to the Reader tragedy because I am also going through the stages of grief over it. Feedly. It will import your reader stuff and you can customize its presentation so it can do all articles in full or lists or categories or whatevs. Anyway, check that out and it will make the mourning less... mournful.
