
This morning, I woke up.

And that was a literal miracle. I am not kidding you. I went to sleep last night without even giving a moment's thought to the following things:
:: ward council at 9:00 AM.
:: daylight saving making that meeting really be at 8:00 AM.
:: bothering to set any alarms.
And guys. I don't wake up even when I do set alarms. I can set three alarms and still wake up late. I DO IT EVERY MORNING. [Ask Will.] [Actually, don't ask Will.]

Anyways, I rolled over this morning at exactly 8:22, which was exactly 8 minutes before I would need to get up to be on time for 9:00 ward council. You can think I'm being sarcastic or melodramatic or whatever-you-want when I say it was a miracle to wake up at just the right time, but I truly believe that it was a miracle.

It's either that, or I'm lucky.
So I guess who really knows?

Jk. I know. 

Completely unrelated is the fact that I woke up from a zombie dream. It wasn't going well, so I'm glad I woke up. 

Also unrelated: tonight I came home from ward prayer and my mom told me I have "such an elegant look when I pull my hair back in that bun" like I had it. It was one of the best compliments in the world because there are about four words I really want to have people use to describe me before I die, and elegant is one of them.
So thanks, Mom. Love you.

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