
Birthday month!

My birthday was this month, which means free stuff, woo! I'm not signed up for very many birthday freebies, but I think I'm signed up for some pretty good ones. The following mail all came on the same day, and it was pretty darn exciting:

Godiva Chocolatiers sends you a $10 gift card for use anywhere on their website or in-store. I used it in combination with a free shipping offer to get a package of sea salt caramel toffee chocolates shipped to me for $2 instead of $20. I realize that I still spent money, but it was, like, manageable. I can handle 2 bucks, and "It's my birthday present to me! I'm so happy" (name it). Except I signed Joseph's name on the card because I think I'm hilarious.

Tucanos sends you a buy-one-get-one-free meal card. Since Tucanos is a little bit outside our newlywed price range (cough cough how does anyone ever afford this food), we went as frugal as we possibly could on this. We used it for lunch instead of dinner, and we did not get the Brazilian lemonade (single tear), and we used a gift card we got for Christmas. Which means it was free-ish and we still have gift card money! For Joe's birthday, of course.

My other lovely piece of mail was not a birthday thing, but I'm counting it because it arrived just in time. Shutterfly did a New Year promo for 101 free prints, and I had the epiphany that I could use these free prints promos over the next year (they come up every few months) to print our wedding photos! Because I want hard copies. Just because. So that first batch came, and that was pretty exciting. It's different to hold them in your hand than it is to scroll through on a computer, you know??

Anyway, birthday months are fun. You should all celebrate one sometime.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Emperor's New Groove, of course!

  3. The Emperor's New Groove!!!!!! Happy birthday, lovely lady! :)
