
Productivity! And illness.

Today is the last day of Christmas break. We had a rather large list of projects to finish while we weren't in school. It included:

:: getting my car inspected and registered
:: finishing up our wedding thank you's
:: changing my name 
:: buying new textbooks
:: family celebrations--holidays and a couple birthdays
:: boxing and storing Christmas decorations
:: boxing and storing my old bedroom (as in, at my parent's house)
:: sending packages to missionary friends
:: organizing, cleaning, etc. 

And as of today, we have completed almost all of them! My car's all fixed up and legal, thank you cards are mostly just waiting to be sent, we have textbooks, we have attended no less than 5 or 6 family parties, Christmas is gone, packages are packaged, and our apartment is mostly clean. 

We do still need to change my name and box up my room, but hey, I fell ill yesterday and have done basically nothing ever since. Our fun field trip to the social security office and DMV was put on hold. #darn  

<tangent> I hate being sick because I can't handle the forced break from to-do lists. I feel like I do a decently good job of allowing myself breaks from my to-do's when I need them, but when breaks are forced upon me, I usually fight back. Being sick is the woooooorssssssttttttt ugh. </tangent>

But our date night tonight is room boxing! So I'm feeling pretty good about life. 

Anyways, it's been nice to be off of school (and therefore free from homework) but to still be working on stuff. I don't know why it's taken me 20 years of my life to figure out that I feel way better when I do stuff than I do when I don't do stuff, if that even made sense, but I'm glad I know it now. Three cheers for productivity. 

[In other news, we have also successfully made our way through the entire Harry Potter series. Aaaaaaand those Jason Bourne movies. So we're not, like, rockstars at productivity, but we do pretty good.]

Look! It's a little baby Harry! He's like 5 years old! This in honor of our first week of break.

1 comment:

  1. You all must know that certain sections of this blog are not entirely true. This girl has a strange sense of things being done, so done really means we started. Also, we didn't watch the last Bourne movie. We don't have it
