
Weekends and homework are mutually exclusive

You know those Mondays Tuesdays (wow, when did it become Tuesday?) where you had such a fun weekend that none of your homework was touched?

I'm living one of those today. 

We spent Friday at Target, buying odds and ends. We were also still sick enough to get home and lay around doing nothing until we gathered enough energy to put on our jammies and brush our teeth and go to sleep. 

We spent Saturday cleaning the house, recording Joe's program application portfolio, birthday shopping, and baking. We also went out to eat for dinner since it was our 3rd monthiversary, woo! And also since we had a coupon to a local crepe shop. The food was fine-not-great, but the date night out was wonderful.

We spent Sunday in northern Utah for a homecoming celebration. My cousin Drew is home from his mission! So we listened to him speak in church and we ate yummy food and we played with family all day long. When we got back home, I opened a present or two (happy birthday to me, woo!), and then we went to bed because it was a long day.

Anyway, I've been playing the catch-up game today and it's been a lil bit stressful. But I got my math homework turned in early (I have to because of the way my schedule works. It's good for me, probably.), and I got the rest of my week all planned out, and I have most of my tomorrow homework finished, and I made it to work on time, and I now have 6 hours to write my paper before it's due at midnight! So life's pretty swell. 

I have like 10 awesome blog post drafts waiting to be written, so don't worry--you'll hear from me again before too long. But I am not including a picture with this post cuz I have a paper to write. 

Happy not-Monday! 

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