
Discovery: Pandora

Yes, here's the Pandora post.

I've recently made an exciting discovery. It's called "Pandora Internet Radio." Have you ever heard of it??

I have never had very good luck with my Pandora stations. I think this is a direct result of the fact that I have also never had very much patience with them, which stems from very low faith in a computer algorithm's ability to find music for me. For years, I've alternated between Pandora and options that let me choose each song (such as YouTube videos or Spotify's free online player), always feeling simultaneously more enticed by the control and more frustrated by the lack of variety in all things non-Pandora. There was no happy medium!

I know that other people have achieved Pandora happiness because I have witnessed it firsthand. I just have never thought it was possible for me. But then our good friends Trent and Sally played their favorite Pandora station for background music at a game night, and I liked every song. It planted a little seed of faith within me.

Fast forward to my current job, where use of Pandora is allowed and use of YouTube is not. Factor in a reluctant but strong love for hipster music and a severe lack of resources for finding such music beyond Mumford and Sons. Consider that there have been times at work where I have literally had no projects to work on and no homework to do and boredom has set in. Add a dash of coworker persuasion.

Shockingly, all these factors landed me at Pandora! 

But my first attempt at a new station failed miserably. I used Coldplay as my springboard artist because maybe hipsters like them? I diligently liked or disliked every song the station played. I somehow ended up with a station involving zero percent Coldplay and 100 percent weird stuff, within just a few days. And I quit Pandora again cuz ewthatsexactlywhatIalwaysknewandexpected.

But then I realized that I might could achieve a wonderful hipster station if I began with the hipster artist who first got me started on tolerating the genre: Ed Sheeran, of course. And guys, this station has turned out wonderfully! It helps that I realized that liking or disliking literally everything is not always helpful. And it helps that I have been more patient. And it helps that I can now refine it while I'm at home, too. Just lotsa good factors this time around.

Anyway, I decided officially last week that I truly love this station because I was just sitting there, thinking to myself, "Gee, I wish I had a way to get this station to play ___(artist)___" AND THEN PANDORA PLAYED THAT ARTIST. It's happened three times since, and this, guys, this is true Pandora happiness

The only problem now is that Pandora offers no easy way to transfer a station you love to the people you love. How difficult can it be to save all my preferences in such a way that I can embed a link on my blog? Then again, I know nothing about such things, so I'm sure it's tough. But whatever the reason for this option's lack of availability, it just means you'll all have to trust me when I say that I have the best Pandora station of them all. 

Anyone else have a Pandora station that they love??

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