
Stuff I learn 2

:: One of the hottest astronomy research topics right now is the search for exoplanets, which are basically just planets orbiting stars other than our sun. They're not easy to find, but just last month, astronomers found an exoplanet orbiting its star at a distance conducive to the existence of liquid water on said planet. Since we all assume that water is the only thing that matters for life (after all, that's how Earth works), this is VERY EXCITING, PEOPLE. This means potential for life beyond Earth, and that means aliens! You heard it here first. 

:: Pie crust! I learned how to make a beautiful pie crust. Things to remember: cold ingredients and no overmixing, of course. But the part nobody ever told me until now is that your crust should have streaks of fat when you roll it out. And make a little tin foil collar for the edges of your pie when you stick it in the oven, so they don't burn. 

:: "A lizard is basically any reptile with four legs and a tail."
:: "Does that include chameleons? and geckos?"
:: "...yes."

According to my Google search, baby chameleons and baby geckos are way cuter than adult chameleons and adult geckos, so I hope you enjoyed these baby pictures. Look! Four legs each! And tails!

Source for image 1 and source for image 2.

1 comment:

  1. haha now I want a little pet baby chameleon! I was blog hopping around and stumbled across yours! You're so cute, I love your blog!

