

I cut my hairs this week. (!!) 

I have been growing out my hairs since my junior year of high school. Did you know that I used to have a bob??
Yep, I did. It was the first hair style of my life that I loved. But I realized about halfway through high school that I would someday want long hair for whenever I got married. This realization was followed by a realization that such an event could potentially happen, like, within a few years, maybe, possibly? And growing out one's hairs is not something that happens overnight.

So I started to grow it out. My plan was to grow it as long as I could and then just keep it there so that I could do whatever I wanted whenever my wedding came. If that happened to be decades after high school, so be it, but at least I would have my desired long hair. 

No one warned me that my hairs would grow like a weed (a collective weed) and that I would have long-enough hair waaay before marriage. I loved this stage (basically just the grown-out bob), which came and went circa beginning of 2011:
And then I started getting excited about doing stuff with my hair. Bobs don't let you do much stuff, especially if your hair refuses to curl under any and all circumstances. Grown-out bobs are mostly the same, but you get ponytails thrown into the mix, woo! Thus, when my hair suddenly reached a point that I could braid it, I was excited.
I also became a quick fan of sock buns, once I figured those out. In fact, I fell so much in love with them that I chose a sock bun for my wedding hair! One might say that was an utter waste of my years of growing out these hairs; aaaand they might be right. But I am a firm believer in allowing myself to change my mind, so a sock bun it was, and I loved it to bits and pieces. 
Anyway, all of this is just leading up to this week, when I cut my hairs almost all the way back to a bob. I really wanted to donate it, if I could, but I also wanted to still have enough hair to ponytail it on Saturdays. I've stalled for a while to convince myself that I could accomplish both feats, and I decided I had reached that point sometime during this winter semester. I determined that a post finals cut was the way to go, and now that cut has happened!

I meant to take one of those "before and after" pics at the salon but failed to do so...I'll improvise with this:
See? Long hairs, short hairs. I am still deciding if I like it, but I think it'll grow on me over time. (Get it? Grow on me??) And if not--I'll be back to long hair in about another year and half, so no biggie. 

Hurrah for summer hair!

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