
Stuff I learn

For a few random semesters in college, I've kept a page in the back of my 5-subject notebook and titled it "STUFF I LEARN." Usually this page has come about as a necessity for the devotionals I've attended that have really struck me, or because that one random lecture was better than I expected and so I took notes, or just because I had a great professor who I wanted to mimic in my own teaching years. 

In any case, I found one of these pages while cleaning out some old semester stuff today, and I was suddenly really glad that I had started that page that semester. I needed to read that page again and relearn that stuff. That was good stuff.

Writing stuff down is probably good for the soul. 

So anyway, because I believe in writing stuff down, I am of course going to start using my blog to record some learned stuff every now and then. Maybe regularly? We'll see. For now, here is episode 1 of STUFF I LEARN.

:: Earth's moon is abnormally large, but it's not even close to being the coolest moon in the solar system. Io, Enceladus, and Triton have erupting volcanoes, and Ganymede is, like, huge. If you're into odd-shaped things, most moons are not nice and spherical, like these two that orbit Mars:
Hehe, they crack me up for some reason. And another cool moon fact: Europa, which orbits Jupiter, is the item in the solar system currently most likely to sustain life. Scientists suspect that it hides oceans of water under its top icy layer. However, we're not about to send anyone or anything there to test for bacteria because it turns out the likelihood of finding bacteria and then realizing we sent that bacteria in the first place is far too high. Oh well.

:: Continually vs. continuously. "Continually" means that whatever it describes actually comes and goes. It does so often, perhaps, but it is not really a constant issue. "Continuously," on the other hand, means that whatever it describes really does happen all the time without a break. You would want to say that your flight was in the air continuously for 10 hours (because continually implies a very rough flight...and death). But maybe you describe your cookie eating while on that flight as continual (unless you have found a way to eat cookies without breathing in between bites). 

:: Parmesan cheese enhances the flavors of everything else. If something tastes a little bland, add some parm and behold! it will taste more like whatever it is supposed to taste like.

Anyone else learn anything cool this week??

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