
Stuff I learn 5

:: "You can't have your cake and eat it, too." Has anyone else out there ever wondered what the heck this saying is really trying to say? My coworker Googled its etymology for the greater good the other day. Apparently, the original would be better stated, "You can't eat your cake and have it, too," which makes waaay more sense. In this form it means that eating your cake means you no longer have it. You cannot both have your cake in its beautiful cake-y form and eat it. Get it? Now I feel qualified to use this phrase in my daily life. I'm going to make a cake.

:: You get shorter throughout the day, just like a stack of snow does. Next time I measure my height, I'm doing it in the morning, dang it.

:: These are words which I did not know were words until battling out a whole bunch of Words with Friends this week: cloggy, vatu, seme, gonzo, neif, yod, herm, oyez, od, ret, and foining. Only one of those does not currently have a squiggly red line under it, so don't tell me you knew all of them already! Also, most of them sound like things I would never want coming out of my mouth, but as far as Google can tell me, they are all innocent. LEST YOU BE CONCERNED. Aaaaand while we're learning: rombit and dealijumping are not words. Okay I'm done with the words now.

:: I learned some more stuff about cars, which is like whoop-de-doo by now, but I really do find most of what I learn very fascinating. Did you know that: You can fix your power steering tubing with a little part that only costs $2.19 if you don't feel like putting a hundred dollars into your trashy car! So that's good news if anyone else out there has been leaking power steering fluid for a while. Oh, that was just my car? Aight. That's cool.

Look at my saint of a father. He is a car wizard, but you already know this. We are luckyluckylucky to have such a willing and happy mechanic in our fam.

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