
They've got me down to a T

Fun fact:
"Alyssa" means feminine, rational, or fox, depending on what name dictionary you read. (And the greatest of these is definitely fox.)

The most common entry for "Alyssa" is rational, which I learned last night is definitely true for me. Last night was scary movie night with some new friends. We watched 1408. I jumped maybe once but was never genuinely scared. (Side note: you should know that I've seen a total of maybe 5 scary movies in my life, so don't necessarily trust my opinion here.) Some thoughts that I thought included: 

1) This movie would be dumb if he didn't live to tell the story at the end. Therefore, he must live. Therefore, no need to worry.

2) That could definitely have been scarier if they'd done ___________ differently. (Thought this one about 40 times, with a different word in each blank.) Therefore, this movie is not actually as creepy as it could be. Therefore, no need to worry.

3) Of course that man isn't going to kill him. The whole point of the movie is that he has to kill  himself! Wasn't that implied in the beginning? But he has to live (see thought #1). Therefore, no need to worry.

Please note the "therefore"s. That's called logic, or rationale. Essentially, I talked myself through the whole thing and figured out much of the movie before it happened. Isn't that the most boring approach to scary-movie-watching you've ever heard? Yeah, I thought so too. 

Moral of the story: scary movies are not scary if you think. So don't think. 

However, this picture is definitely scary: 

And the moral of that picture is that I really need a new camera so that webcams will stop crying out to my inner child.

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