
The keys to my heart (sorta)

Lately, I've found myself totally in love with my keys. I enjoy every keychain individually, and I really enjoy the overall combination. It's the perfect mix of colors and weight distribution. What more could one ask for in a set of keys? 

Aren't they adorbs??

(Note: before we begin, I'd like to apologize for the prevalence of the effect called "Soft Focus" throughout this post. It's too great to pass up, but I can never find valid reasons for using it, so I'm using it now!)

Meet the cast: 

Exhibit A.

This is my highlighter. It has come in very handy at times; you never know when you'll need one! But it's more significant because we each got one in an important Young Women lesson which I really enjoyed. It was on "letting your light so shine," and I've kept it on my keys ever since that Sunday. 

Exhibit B.

This is another gem from my six years in Young Women. At girl's camp one year, we each got one of these little keychains from Guatemala if we memorized the hymn and scripture theme for the year. It's been broken about 4 times, but I still love it. I mean, check out that schnozz! How could you not love it?

Exhibit C.

This thing is not as cool as everybody seems to think it is. It's not a laser, or a whistle, or really anything other than a chunk of colored metal. It's here because I was so excited for my scholarship to BYU, and they gave these out to anyone who had a scholarship, so I definitely claimed one. 

Exhibit D.

This came from our family vacation to Jackson Hole, WY this summer. It's a good reminder to stay positive. Plus, it's completely stylish and stuff. 

Exhibit E.

This was also from a family vacation to Oregon a couple years ago. I was so fascinated by our tour of the Tillamook cheese factory that I needed a souvenir. Naturally, I chose the cliche zipper pull with my name. (Also, I chose ice cream, but that obviously isn't a keychain.)

Exhibit F. 

This is my most recent addition, and probably the crowning glory of my keys. This lets me get a free frosty every time I buy anything from Wendy's through the end of December. It cost a buck, and I've already paid it off twice without going more than once a week. Totally a steal. Totally the bomb.com.

And altogether now:

Seriously, this little set never fails to make my day. It's a strange source of happiness, but I'll take it :)

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