
New and improved

I'm not entirely sure about the "improved" bit, actually, but this blog is definitely new! I know that currently the background is dark, and you can't even read the blog title, and none of my pictures are remotely good enough for anything other than "Classic" view, but nevertheless, I think I'll like these dynamic views once I get used to them. 

Here comes my favorite activity! 

More interactive. I would love if everyone's blog was this fun to click around.
It tells you how long ago each post was if you hover over the date. Nifty.
No word verification for comments!
The pictures fade in. So suave.
Titles aren't so blatantly obvious, and now I feel more comfortable posting without one. (I call this "stress relief.")
I'm thinking it'll be easier for me to someday get an "About Me" page up in here. 
Pictures open in new tabs. Probably nobody knows the trouble that saves me.

Links and captions are not the font I want them to be, and I haven't found a way to change that.
No preview option before posting? This needs fixed pronto.
There are simply less options as far as formatting goes. I can choose the background. And that's it.
I still can't comment in response to individual comments, which is my life goal as a blogger.
Copyright? Where'd it go? Not that I really bother with it, but what if I was a real blogger?

So. If nothing else, dynamic views = fun. They're not incredibly functional yet on my end, but certainly workable. I'll probably keep tweaking in the next few days. Don't judge me if it's different every hour or so...

Now tell me: what do you think?? I'd love to hear anything you have to say, as always :) And if you change your blog to dynamic, let me know so I can go check it out!

PS: I just tried to view this in my Reader and it failed. Sorry if that ruins your whole system! Hopefully it's not a permanent issue...


  1. officially my new favorite blog. wow i love this so much. flipcard is my favorite. dear friend, please teach me your ways. this is the cutest.

  2. I'm with Shaundra on this one! It's suuuper cute. When you teach her you can teach me too:)
