
A taste of my fave kind of vacay

A few weeks ago, we took a weekend and went north to visit my mom's cousin and her family. For living so close to these guys, we definitely don't see them enough, so this was quite a treat! I mentioned earlier that this kind of vacay is the best kind of vacay, and I was dead serious: anything that keeps me close to home and close to the people I love is a good thing. But I really came here to show off some pictures, so let's cut to the chase.

We went stargazing with cousin Spencer, who is a master with that telescope. I've always wanted to try a real telescope, so this was quite exciting. We saw a star!
We always, always, ALWAYS play games after the young'uns go to bed when we get with these particular family members. It's tradition. However, we don't usually play Cadoo...that was Brian's idea, and he didn't realize it's made for kids until we, um, finished playing. So then we switched real quick to Apples to Apples.
Rye wanted her thumbs-up in as many pictures as possible...

Then we all slept long and hard. I wrote and sent a letter to that one missionary in the morning, and we played Candyland, and then we visited the Hill Aerospace Museum. Pictures of this coming later because those planes were super cool and I want them to have their own post. Yeah, apparently I like planes. Anyways... So then we got pizza. And then I played with my camera's macro function (it's kind of my favorite activity). And then we saw a rainbow!
And then we must have come home because I have no more pictures. All in all, 'twas good times! Now it's their turn to come here, right? Right? 

Ok yeah, we'll be back up there soon. 

1 comment:

  1. So... um... why did you put that lurvly picture of my crazy face eyes? Haha... thanks:)
