
Asleep at BYU

I have a new favorite blog. 
You should go check it out

And then I need you to tell me something if you are not a BYU student. 
Does this happen at your school??
The blog makes it sound like it is a novelty for people to be asleep all over campus.
I feel like it is actually just normal college student activity. 
But I have never attended a different university, so I could be wrong. 
My sister said that at her school, people hide before they sleep. They find somewhere separate and quiet to nap, as a general rule. And I thought to myself, Why bother? What a waste of nap-time.

Let it be known that I am not ashamed to nap in public. 
I fell asleep sitting in the HFAC just yesterday, actually. 
(Yes, I was sitting up. Yes, it was an awful nap. Yes, this commentary is truth.)
But let it also be known that my new life goal is this: 

DO NOT be seen on the "Asleep at BYU" blog,
for you will never live it down.


  1. What?? Maybe I have a public sleep phobia or something, but I kept thinking that all those folks were straight-up cray cray. I can tell you that the Snow College sleeper is on the rare side. Then again, they have just a few thousand students and everyone lives a block or two away from campus, so... Oh, the small town college days.

  2. I believe they have caught people sleeping in the library at my school, but I think that is actually allowed. But here at Stanislaus I've never seen anyone asleep in a hallway or something like that, although now that I think about it, at my community college there were a few people I think I saw sleeping around school. Strange.

  3. Hahaha! You should see the people at UVU... they get in some very, very interesting positions in order to sleep--I must mention the kid that took off his shoes and socks in order to lay his head on them, some people... Thank you for sharing!

  4. It may depend on whether campuses are commuter schools or campuses in which people live, like, a block away. I mean, if I lived close by my campus, I would have gone and slept in my bed because HELLO, my bed is way comfier than old chairs with people sitting around talking on their cell phones. That said, yes, I totes napped on my campus like a champ. I was a working college student, so I often worked the night before and then had a bazillion classes scheduled on the following day, so I'd stay up all night after work and had many 36-hours-awake days. Apparently I'm old and can't do that anymore, but I sure wish I could function on 3 hours of sleep like I used to because my apartment would be way cleaner.

    I definitely tried to find removed places, but there are only so many of those in public. My college wasn't a live-on-campus place, it was a lot of working kids who commuted, like me, so we slept when we could.

    Personally, I was more of a sleep-on-the-train-ride home person, mostly because I fall asleep like a baby in cars and stuff. I missed my stop more than a few times.
